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Prerender Config for Static Site Generation (SSG)

As of 1.13.0, the optional prerender config can be used while prerendering a www output target. The prerender.config.ts file can further update the parsed document of each page, before it is serialized to HTML.

Within stencil.config.ts, set the path to the prerendering config file path using the prerenderConfig property, such as:

import { Config } from '@stencil/core';

export const config: Config = {
  outputTargets: [
      type: 'www',
      baseUrl: '',
      prerenderConfig: './prerender.config.ts',

Next, inside of the prerender.config.ts file, it should export a config object using the PrerenderConfig interface.

import { PrerenderConfig } from '@stencil/core';
export const config: PrerenderConfig = {
Config Description Default
afterHydrate(document, url) Run after each document is hydrated, but before it is serialized into an HTML string. Hook is passed the document and its URL.
beforeHydrate(document, url) Run before each document is hydrated. Hook is passed the document it's URL.
afterSerializeTemplate(html) Runs after the template Document object has serialize into an HTML formatted string. Returns an HTML string to be used as the base template for all prerendered pages.
beforeSerializeTemplate(document) Runs before the template Document object is serialize into an HTML formatted string. Returns the Document to be serialized which will become the base template html for all prerendered pages.
canonicalUrl(url) A hook to be used to generate the canonical <link> tag which goes in the <head> of every prerendered page. Returning null will not add a canonical url tag to the page.
crawlUrls While prerendering, crawl same-origin URLs found within <a href> elements. true
entryUrls URLs to start the prerendering from. By default the root URL of / is used. ['/']
filterAnchor(attrs, base) Return true the given <a> element should be crawled or not.
filterUrl(url, base) Return true if the given URL should be prerendered or not.
filePath(url, filePath) Returns the file path which the prerendered HTML content should be written to.
hydrateOptions(url) Returns the hydrate options to use for each individual prerendered page.
loadTemplate(filePath) Returns the template file's content. The template is the base HTML used for all prerendered pages.
normalizeUrl(href, base) Used to normalize the page's URL from a given a string and the current page's base URL. Largely used when reading an anchor's href attribute value and normalizing it into a URL.
staticSite Static Site Generated (SSG). Does not include Stencil's clientside JavaScript, custom elements or preload modules. false
trailingSlash If the prerenndered URLs should have a trailing "/"" or not false

Individual Page Hydrate Options

Beyond settings for the entire prerendering process with prerender.config.ts, you can also set individual hydrate options per each page. The hydrateOptions(url) hook can be used to further configure each page. Below is an example of the prerender config with the hydrateOptions() hook, which returns options for each page.

import { PrerenderConfig } from '@stencil/core';

export const config: PrerenderConfig = {
  hydrateOptions(url) {
    return {
      prettyHtml: true

Option Description Default
addModulePreloads Adds <link rel="modulepreload"> for modules that will eventually be requested. true
approximateLineWidth Sets an approximate line width the HTML should attempt to stay within. Note that this is "approximate", in that HTML may often not be able to be split at an exact line width. Additionally, new lines created is where HTML naturally already has whitespace, such as before an attribute or spaces between words. 100
canonicalUrl Sets the href attribute on the <link rel="canonical"> tag within the <head>. If the value is not defined it will ensure a canonical link tag is no included in the <head>.
clientHydrateAnnotations Include the HTML comments and attributes used by the clientside JavaScript to read the structure of the HTML and rebuild each component. true
constrainTimeouts Constrain setTimeout() to 1ms, but still async. Also only allows setInterval() to fire once, also constrained to 1ms. true
cookie Sets document.cookie.
direction Sets the dir attribute on the top level <html>.
excludeComponents Component tag names listed here will not be prerendered, nor will hydrated on the clientside. Components listed here will be ignored as custom elements and treated no differently than a <div>.
inlineExternalStyleSheets External stylesheets from <link rel="stylesheet"> are instead inlined into <style> elements. true
language Sets the lang attribute on the top level <html>.
maxHydrateCount Maximum number of components to hydrate on one page. 300
minifyScriptElements Minify JavaScript content within <script> elements. true
minifyStyleElements Minify CSS content within <style> elements. true
prettyHtml Format the HTML in a nicely indented format. false
referrer Sets document.referrer.
removeAttributeQuotes Remove quotes from attribute values when possible. true
removeBooleanAttributeQuotes Remove the ="" from standardized boolean attributes, such as hidden or checked. true
removeEmptyAttributes Remove these standardized attributes when their value is empty: class, dir, id, lang, and name, title. true
removeHtmlComments Remove HTML comments. true
removeScripts Removes every <script> element found in the document. false
removeUnusedStyles Removes CSS not used by elements within the document. true
resourcesUrl The url the runtime uses for the resources, such as the assets directory.
runtimeLogging Prints out runtime console logs to the NodeJS process. false
staticComponents Component tags listed here will only be prerendered or serverside-rendered and will not be clientside hydrated. This is useful for components that are not dynamic and do not need to be defined as a custom element within the browser. For example, a header or footer component would be a good example that may not require any clientside JavaScript.
staticDocument Entire document should be static. This is useful for specific pages that should be static, rather than the entire site. If the whole site should be static, use the staticSite property on the prerender config instead. If only certain components should be static then use staticComponents instead. false
timeout The amount of milliseconds to wait for a page to finish rendering until a timeout error is thrown. 15000
title Sets document.title.
url Sets location.href.
userAgent Sets navigator.userAgent.